I must admit, I struggled with this assignment. At first, I was not sure of which type of rhetoric I wanted to base my analysis on. I realized that social media is one of the biggest factor now a days, pertaining to how information is circulated on a global scale. Social media has to power to inform, educate and enact change for the betterment of society with the help of others. I ultimately settled on a meme, hoping to contrast the exaggerated perception of NYC with the reality. However, I would like to share some other reasons why I chose this topic aside from what I’ve previously mentioned. When I made a comparison of the topic I initially chose versus the one I settled on, I realized that continuing on the topic I chose for the op-ed was a strategic move. Therefore, I connected the meme back to the previous op-ed assignment which I already did research on for homelessness in NYC.
As you scroll down the page, you will notice the original and revised topic proposal portion, the meme itself, followed by the first draft of the visual essay and the final version.

After revision, I began to see how the topic I first settled on did not pertain to the course nor related to any of the in class discussions. As interested as I was in the topic of poverty in the Philippines and longed for the opportunity to reflect upon it within my writing, I relied on my instincts and the advice of Professor McIntosh. Her suggestions brought me right back to the topic proposal, helping me to connect the dots between the assignment and my first attempt at a draft.

Below, I have provided the original Meme I constructed as well as a screenshot of how it would look on a social media platform such as instagram just for a bit of fun!

Does this image provoke anything inside you? Do you feel pain? Joy? Please feel free to leave a comment letting me know your thoughts about the meme!
Though I chose against my first idea of poverty in the Philippines, I felt that I was still able to incorporate some parts of what I originally procured and connected those ideas to where I live. I know that poverty exists globally, and that there are organizations that are working simultaneously to help the impoverished like UNICEF( https://www.unicef.org/ ) and U.S Agency For Internationals Development ( https://www.usaid.gov/ ). It is just something I feel strongly about, passionate even. Its mind boggling how money has become more important than regard for human life. It shocks me to live in a reality where poverty is tolerated, where it is allowed to exist. I emigrated to the United States as a child and like the majority of immigrants, we arrive here with highly over the top expectations of perfection. That once you were in America, there is no such thing as being poor and everyone lived a lavish lifestyle. As that reality was ripped from my eyes after living here for a few weeks, I began to truly see what was right in front of me. I stand by my meme, as it pays homage to my own dissolved beliefs. I do feel sadness when I look at it even though I am the one whom constructed it. I feel such remorse and empathy, wishing that I could magically make the world a better place in a blink of an eye. Though I might not be powerful nor influential, I hope to turn the right directions in life to help those in need.
First Draft:

Final Draft:

What really helped me with this assignment consisted of a few key components. First, the feedback from my professor, the revision and of course the feedback from my peers. In the beginning I had a slight grasp on what needed to be done, but after reading the helpful comments, I was able to see my meme in a different way. At first I was trying to compare and contrast the two images, but after reading what a fellow student mentioned, I can see that both images reflect the poverty and homelessness crises in New York City. Someone else’s perspective was able to open my eyes and helped me to see clearer. I have included the comments below because I wanted to literally show what my peers have said. They are truly gifted writers, and their talents are highly reflected in this simple peer review.