Out of all the assignments, I admit I struggled with the critical analysis portion the most. If this had been a research paper, my attempt would have been more than sufficient. However, I somehow manage to missed the central purpose of the assignment, and misinterpreted the instructions. Upon my first attempt at a final submission, I learned a very important lesson. I should not only pay extra attention to instructions, but also reach out when in need of support or clarification. That being said, for the essay that I did write below, I noticed that even though I presented the evidence and transitioned from one topic to another, I still needed to dig deeper beyond the surface. This assignment reflects the blind spots within my writing, it leaves me feeling hindered and bothered. I am highly critical of my own writing, yet alone others. Though I do not aspire to write a best seller novel, I do believe writing is a reflection of your thoughts. It allows a glimpse into the mind of an individual, meaning that the way we speak connects back to the way we organize our thoughts, much like an essay. I want to posses a beautiful mind, constantly deciphering the complexities of the world that surrounds me. Deconstructing and reordering data into a blueprint which I can read.
First Attempt:

The Reflection:

If there is anything the critical analysis essay taught me, its simply to create a piece of writing that first, follows the directions, and write to MY AUDIENCE. I understand my own mind because I am me, however I need to focus on what my audience needs and how I can help them to understand my main points. As a writer, I must be the one to take responsibility in how I present myself, my work, and overall being. When presenting my own thesis in my writing, I should not leave the responsibility of deciphering my message to my audience. My thesis should be clear, present from the beginning of my essay and extend like branches into the bodies of my paragraphs. And though I made a mistake with this assignment, I am sort of glad that I did because not only was I able to grow from it, but it helped me relearn a few things. These vary from paying attention to detail, to not just read but listen, and to take a step back to reassess.
Over all, this class has resonated with me on a deeper level. In relation to the way I always speak on spreading awareness on whatever issue, I have become more self aware in the way I construct any body of words. I have learned many useful and beneficial tools during this course and I remember all of the PowerPoint tutorials Professor McIntosh provided. From ”How To’s” on introducing a source into an essay, to discussion boards and even how to create this portfolio! Though I found this class to be challenging, it was definitely a rewarding experience and one that has benefited me greatly.